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Injection Therapy

Corticosteroid or Ostenil injections to joints and soft tissues.

This can be used to treat frozen shoulder, shoulder impingement syndrome,osteoarthrosis of the knee, tennis elbow, golfers elbow De Quervain’s amongst other conditions.


Debbie has many years experience in injection therapy having offered this service both in private practice and in NHS clinics.

Hydrocortisone injections.


You will need an initial consultation to establish that this is an appropriate treatment for you, that there are no contraindications and that your GP is happy for you to undergo this treatment.

Our clinic is led by a doctor and therefore we are able to provide the prescription.


Hylanoric acid or Ostenil is a safe alternative to cortisone injection and been found to be effective in treating shoulder and knee problems. This is a supplement rather than a drug. It increases the viscosity of the joint fluid and is thought to have an anti-inflammatory effect.

The cost of injection therapy: from £150.

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