207 Blackburn Road, Wheelton PR6 8EP 01254 831804 office@totalphysio.org.uk
Patient Testimonials & Reviews

Debbie Greenhalgh MCSP
Working Hard for You
At Total Physio we work hard to maintain the highest standards. Not just clinically, but in making sure every single patient who comes through our doors has an exceptional experience. We're proud of our reviews and testimonials, which demonstrate the quality of care we provide every day at the clinic.
Debbie Greenhalgh
Clinical Director, Total Physio
Excellent! I was in extreme pain at the beginning of July from osteoarthritis in my hip. I was recommended to see Debbie at Total Physio by a neighbour. Debbie assessed my problems and, with the help of exercises, acupuncture and massage I am now able to walk normally again 6 weeks later. I know how to do regular exercises and manage the pain. Debbie has helped me so much in such a short time. She is amazing! I certainly wouldn't hesitate to contact her again if I need more help. She is excellent and very supportive and friendly.
Sarah B (20/08/23)
Over the past 5 months l have been attending Total Physio and been treated by Debbie . Over this period l have had two medical problems with my back & both knees , which l have had problems for many years . The issue with my back was a bulging disc whish caused swelling to my left foot and little or no movement in my toes . Over the first period of 6 to 8 weeks l was treated for my back which l was given various treatments but the main reason it improved was due to the exercise l was given to do . I now have full movement in my toes on my left foot , which l have had for some 6 weeks a big change . The issues with my knees is arthritis the worst being the left so over the past 6 to 8 weeks l have had treatment by massage, ,acupuncture and Ostenil Injections . I was given Ostenil in both knees which as made the big difference to the pain and walking . It improved in my left knee with in a week but the left knee was about 4 weeks, but know l am pain free and not feeling vulnerable . All have to say is thanking you Debbie
Douglas Philip Bertram (03/11/23)
HP (8/08/23)
Excellent and enjoyable.
Debbie is an experienced practitioner and I trust her completely during treatments.
Brenda B (21.10.19)
Not felt this good in a long time.
Samantha I (9.05.19)
Debbie has been putting me back together for over 16 years, both in my previous life as a boxer and since. She is the most experienced and best physio I have ever met in over 30 years.
David B (21.03.19)
Debbie did a course of ostensil injections in my right knee which helped considerably. I was on a waiting list at Chorley to get my right hip replacement for 19 months and was crippled with pain so at least got some relief in my knee.
ECN (18/10/23)
Debbie is very caring. She has been interested in me as a person, and how my life has been changed by my back pain. l feel now, with her professional help l am on the way to having a life pain free at best of one that makes my pain bearable. Thank you again Debbie. l would not hesitate to recommend you as an excellent practitioner.
Joan (5/10/20)
Very happy with treatment and care received.
Jim H (24/10/19)
Excellent treatment from Debbie's physio. Made me walk out two inches taller than when I went in.
Ken R (23/10/19)
Debbie has always provided care in a professional and caring way and has been interested in me as a person and how my shoulder problem was affecting everyday life. Now I feel much better and have strategies to use if the problem occurs again.
Tracy P (9.05.19)
Very professional treatment. Debbie is very thorough & pleasant. After her consultations & doing the required exercises she prescribed there has been a vast improvement in the condition. Many thanks!
Carol M (10.04.19)
Very thorough, very professional, very friendly, very reasonably priced